
Ancient cities ps4
Ancient cities ps4

The world is on the road to perdition and the fate of Midgard hangs in the balance. Legend has it that when the coldest winter descends, the Jotan will return to take their vengeance against the Gods of Asgard. Aside from the main storyline, there are other quests in the game, and the game offers an open-world setting where they can explore snowy slopes, Viking cities, ice dungeons, ancient tombs, and other locations. The gameplay is similar to Diablo in that players design their own character, choosing their character’s look, gender, and traits. The player character can travel between areas and explore various paths at will, although prerequisites must be met to unlock certain areas.ĭark Souls takes place in the fictional kingdom of Lordran, where players assume the role of a cursed undead character who begins a pilgrimage to discover the fate of their kind. Players are encouraged to proceed with caution, learn from past mistakes, or find alternative areas to explore.ĭark Souls takes place in a large and continuous open-world environment, connected through a central hub area. A core mechanic of the game is exploration. Dark Souls Remasteredĭark Souls is a third-person Medieval action role-playing game. The last class, known as “Hybrid”, is a combination of two of the three types, and is capable of using uncommon skills. The Heavies (Tanks) are more resistant to damage and are suitable for holding capture points, though their attacks are slow. The Assassin class is fast and efficient in dueling enemies, but the class deals much less damage to multiple enemies. The Vanguard class is described as “well-balanced” and has excellent offense and defense. The Knights speak Latin, the Vikings speak Icelandic, the Samurai speak Japanese, and the Wu Lin speak Mandarin.Įach faction had four classes at launch, with two more being added at the beginning of every season of the Faction War. The Wu Lin faction was added to the Marching Fire expansion in October 2018.Įach hero also has quotes in their own language that will trigger when certain actions are performed. Players can play as a character from one of four different factions, namely the Iron Legion (Knights), the Warborn (Vikings), the Dawn Empire (Samurai), and the Wu Lin (Ancient Chinese). For Honor is a Medieval action fighting game set in a medieval, fantasy setting.

Ancient cities ps4